Volunteers are the backbone to a successful organization, be a part of our Community Ambassador Program. Volunteers uniquely bring their talents and gifts, we appreciate them!“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” Mother Teresa

Pan De Vida Foundation’s volunteers come from within and outside our service area.  Many individuals donate hours of their time, donations of money, and or food. Volunteers help us impact our communities with the expertise and knowledge they bring to our organization. Volunteers create growth within our organization to positively affect our community. From face painting, and sorting can food to moving boxes of donations and facilitating workshops, PDVF volunteers have helped PDVF become the successful organization that it is today!

Contact us today at (480)577-2069 or email at admin@marygloriafoundation.org , we love to hear from you!


  1. Network with your favorite fast-food restaurants to obtain food coupons and free merchandise.
  2. Assist with prepping food boxes and bags for families.
  3. Attend fun outreach events for set up, take down, and sharing our organization upcoming event info.
  4. Help at the Affordable Christmas Program, able to decorate and help families shop for their kids.
  5. Address and mail out holiday cards to all our donors, contributors, and volunteers!
  6. Join our Advisory Board, share your ideas and suggestions to better serve our community.
  7. Be a contact to local newspapers, radio, and media to promote our events.
  8. Be a contact to supportive health entities to form partnerships for future events.
  9. Your clerical and office administration duties are always welcomed.
  10. Have fun, offering new ideas for great community activities!
Clear Signature

Read the Volunteer waiver of liability agreement here.