Automotive Donations

Mary Gloria Foundation Automotive Donations

Mary Gloria Foundation Accepting Vehicle Donations

Mary Gloria Foundation is seeking running vehicles. We consider all vehicles that are running and may need minor repair work. With all age and model vehicles, we are accepting cars, suv’s, trucks, and vans in Arizona. Mary Gloria Foundation complies with tax regulations and offers the appropriate paperwork to claim your Form 1098-C Tax Deduction.

To contact us to donate your vehicle call us at (480) 577-2069. (This may include completing the necessary paperwork, and arranging for the vehicle to be picked up.)

What will Mary Gloria Foundation use the donations for?

Mary Gloria Foundation, a non-profit organization, will utilize donated vehicles for various purposes that align with its charitable mission. These include:

First, Service Delivery: Donated vehicles will be used for significant intervening purposes such as conducting meetings, community outreach, marketing efforts, and collecting donations.

Second, Vehicle Improvement: If necessary, the charity will undertake major repairs to enhance the vehicle’s value, ensuring it serves its intended purpose effectively. This excludes minor cosmetic enhancements like painting or cleaning.

Third, Assistance to Needy Individuals: In some cases, the charity may donate or sell the vehicle to a disadvantaged individual at a significantly reduced price. This transfer aims to support individuals in need of transportation, thereby furthering the organization’s charitable objectives.

Finally, You can get your Form 1098-C Tax Credit Documentation for yourself and put that vehicle no longer needed to use without having to lose the fair market value with our recognized Foundation.

Contact us today for more information (480) 577-2069. Your donation will help us drive our foundation into the future! (This may include completing the necessary paperwork, and arranging for the vehicle to be picked up.) To make a instant donation please visit our “donation page.”